This is a list of my publications. I try to add a postprint as soon as a paper is published if permitted by the journal. If you want a copy of a paper not available here, feel free to send me an e-mail.
Journal publications
R.H. Deucher, J. Franc, O.Møyner, H.A. Tchelepi, "Compositional reservoir simulation with a high-resolution compact stencil adaptive implicit method", Journal of Computational Physics (2025)
J. Li, L. Zhao, O. Møyner, KA. Lie, "A new near-wellbore modeling method for deviated wells in corner-point grid", Advances in Geo-Energy Research (2025)
BN. Aslam, B. Yan, KA. Lie, S. Krogstad, O. Møyner, X. He, "A novel hybrid physics/data-driven model for fractured reservoir simulation", SPE Journal (2024)
E. Ahmed, O. Møyner, X. Raynaud, H.M. Nilsen, "Phase behavior and black-oil simulations of Hydrogen storage in saline aquifers", Advances in Water Resources (2024)
L. Saló-Salgado, O. Møyner, K.A. Lie, R. Juanes, "Three-dimensional simulation of geologic carbon dioxide sequestration using MRST", Advances in Geo-Energy Research (2024)
Z. Yin, M. Louboutin, O. Møyner, F.J. Herrmann, "Time-lapse full-waveform permeability inversion: A feasibility study", The Leading edge (2024)
W. Xiong, Z.H. Zhang, Y.L. Zhao, W.M. Wen, K. Bao, O.Møyner, K.A. Lie, "Compositional simulation for carbon storage in porous media using an electrolyte association equation of state", SPE Journal (2024)
J. Franc, O. Møyner, H.A. Tchelepi, "Coupling-strength criteria for sequential implicit formulations", Journal of Computational Physics (2023)
O. Møyner, A.F. Rasmussen, Ø. Klemetsdal, H.M. Nilsen, A. Moncorgé, KA. Lie, "Nonlinear domain-decomposition preconditioning for robust and efficient field-scale simulation of subsurface flow", Computational Geosciences (2023)
M. Louboutin, Z. Yin, R. Orozco, T.J. Grady, A. Siahkoohi, G. Rizzuti, P.A. Witte, O. Møyner, G.J. Gorman, F.J. Herrmann, "Learned multiphysics inversion with differentiable programming and machine learning", The Leading Edge (2023)
Ø.S. Klemetsdal, A. Moncorgé, HM. Nilsen, O. Møyner, KA. Lie, "An adaptive sequential fully implicit domain-decomposition solver", SPE Journal (2022)
E. Ahmed, Ø. Klemetsdal, X. Raynaud, O. Møyner, H.M. Nilsen, "Adaptive Timestepping, Linearization, and A Posteriori Error Control for Multiphase Flow of Immiscible Fluids in Porous Media with Wells", SPE Journal (2022)
X. Raynaud, A. Pizzolato, A. Johansson, F. Caresani, A. Ferrari, O. Møyner, HM. Nilsen, A. Cominelli, KA. Lie, "Toward accurate reservoir simulations on unstructured grids: design of simple error estimators and critical benchmarking of consistent discretization methods for practical implementation", SPE Journal (2021)
Ø. Klemetsdal, O. Møyner, A. Moncorgé, H.M. Nilsen, KA. Lie, "High-resolution compositional reservoir simulation with dynamic coarsening and local timestepping for unstructured grids", SPE Journal (2021)
H. Ni, O. Møyner, KD. Kurtev, SM. Benson, "Quantifying CO2 capillary heterogeneity trapping through macroscopic percolation simulation", Advanced in Water Resources 155 (2021)
Ø. Klemetsdal, O. Møyner, A. Moncorgé, KA. Lie, "A numerical study of the additive Schwarz preconditioned exact Newton method (ASPEN) as a nonlinear preconditioner for immiscible and compositional porous media flow", Computational Geosciences (2021)
M. Alcanié, M. Collignon, O. Møyner, M. Lupi, "3D Basin‐scale groundwater flow modeling as a tool for geothermal exploration: Application to the Geneva basin, Switzerland‐France", Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (2021)
SBS. Bosma, S. Klevtsov, O. Møyner and N. Castelletto. "Enhanced multiscale restriction-smoothed basis (MsRSB) preconditioning with applications to porous media flow and geomechanics". Journal of Computational Physics (2021)
M. Collignon, Ø. Klemetsdal, O. Møyner, M. Alcanié, A.P. Rinaldi, H.M. Nilsen, M. Lupi "Evaluating thermal losses and storage capacity in high-temperature aquifer thermal energy storage (HT-ATES) systems with well operating limits: insights from a study-case in the Greater Geneva Basin, Switzerland", Geothermics (2020)
G. Linga, O. Møyner, H.M. Nilsen, A. Moncorgé, KA. Lie. "An implicit local time-stepping method based on cell reordering for multiphase flow in porous media". Journal of Computational Physics X (2020).
O. Møyner, H.M. Nilsen and O. Andersen. "Multi-Model Hybrid Compositional Simulator With Application To Segregated Flow". Comput. Geosci (2019)
A. Moncorgé, O. Møyner, H. A. Tchelepi and P. Jenny. "Consistent upwinding for sequential fully-implicit multiscale compositional simulation". Comput. Geosci (2019)
O. Møyner and A. Moncorgé. "Nonlinear Domain Decomposition Scheme for Sequential Fully Implicit Formulation of Compositional Multiphase Flow". Comput. Geosci (2019)
Ø. Klemetsdal, O. Møyner and KA. Lie. "Efficient Reordered Nonlinear Gauss-Seidel Solvers With Higher Order For Black-Oil Models". Comput. Geosci,. DOI: 10.1007/s10596-019-09844-5 (2019)
Ø. Klemetsdal, O. Møyner and KA. Lie. "Accelerating Multiscale Simulation of Complex Geomodels by Use of Dynamically Adapted Basis Functions ". Comput. Geosci (2019)
KA. Lie, O. Møyner and T.S. Mykkeltvedt. "Fully Implicit WENO Schemes On Stratigraphic And Fully Unstructured Grids", Comput. Geosci (2019)
Ø. Klemetsdal, O. Møyner and KA. Lie. "Robust nonlinear Newton solver with adaptive interface-localized trust regions". SPE J. (2019)
O. Møyner and H.M. Nilsen "Multiresolution Coupled Vertical Equilibrium Model for Fast Flexible Simulation of CO2 storage". In: Comput. Geosci. (2019)
R. Allen, H. M. Nilsen, KA. Lie, O. Møyner and O. Andersen "Using Simplified Methods to Explore the Impact of Parameter Uncertainty on CO2 Storage Estimates with Application to the Norwegian Continental Shelf". In: Int. J. Greenhouse Gas Control (2019).
O. Møyner and H.A. Tchelepi "A Mass-Conservative Sequential Implicit Multiscale Method for General Compositional Problems". In: SPE J (2019).
KA. Lie, O. Møyner and J.R. Natvig “Use of Multiple Multiscale Operators To Accelerate Simulation of Complex Geomodels”. In: SPE J. (2017)
O. Møyner. “Nonlinear Solver for Three-Phase Transport Problems Based on Approximate Trust Regions”. In: Comput. Geosci. (2017).
KA. Lie, O. Møyner, Jostein R. Natvig, Antonina Kozlova, Kyrre Bratvedt, and Shingo Watanabe. “Successful Application of Multiscale Methods in a Real Reservoir Simulator Environment”. In: Comput. Geosci. (2017).
K. Bao, KA. Lie, O. Møyner, and M. Liu. “Fully-implicit simulation of polymer flooding with MRST.” In: Comput. Geosci. (2017).
S. Shah, O. Møyner, M. Tene, KA. Lie, and Hadi Hajibeygi. “The multiscale restriction smoothed basis method for fractured porous media (F-MsRSB)”. In: J. Comput. Physics 318 (2016)
O. Møyner and KA. Lie. “A Multiscale Restriction-Smoothed Basis Method for Compressible Black-Oil Models”. In: SPE J. 21.6 (2016)
S. T. Hilden, O. Møyner, KA. Lie, and K. Bao. “Multiscale Simulation of Polymer Flooding with Shear Effects”. In: Transp. Porous Media 113.1 (2016)
O. Møyner and KA. Lie. “A Multiscale Restriction-Smoothed Basis Method for High Contrast Porous Media Represented on Unstructured Grids”. In: J. Comput. Phys. 304 (2015)
KA. Lie, H.M Nilsen, O. Andersen, and O. Møyner. “A simulation workflow for large-scale CO2 storage in the Norwegian North Sea”. In: Comput. Geosci. (2015).
H.M. Nilsen, KA. Lie, O. Møyner, and O. Andersen. “Spill-point analysis and structural trapping capacity in saline aquifers using MRST-co2lab”. In: Computers & Geoscience 75 (2015)
O. Møyner, Stein Krogstad, and KA. Lie. “The application of flow diagnostics for reservoir management”. In: SPE J. 20.2 (2014)
O. Møyner and KA. Lie. “A multiscale two-point flux-approximation method”. In: J. Comput. Phys. 275 (2014)
O. Møyner and KA. Lie. “The multiscale finite-volume method on stratigraphic grids”. In: SPE J. 19.5 (2014)
KA. Lie, O. Møyner (Editors). "Advanced modelling with the MATLAB Reservoir Simulation Toolbox (MRST)", Cambridge University Press (2021)
Peer-reviewed book chapters
In "Advanced modelling with the MATLAB Reservoir Simulation Toolbox (MRST)" (2021)
O. Møyner. "Better AD Simulators with Flexible State Functions and Accurate Discretizations"
O. Møyner. "Faster Simulation with Optimized Automatic Differentiation and Compiled Linear Solvers"
O. Møyner. "Compositional Simulation with the AD-OO Framework"
KA. Lie and O. Møyner "Multiscale Pressure Solvers for Stratigraphic and Polytopal Grids"
M. Collignon, Ø.S. Klemetsdal, O. Møyner "Simulation of Geothermal Systems using MRST"
Conference proceedings
O. Møyner, "JutulDarcy. jl-a fully differentiable high-performance reservoir simulator based on automatic differentiation", ECMOR 2024
K.A. Lie, O. Møyner, Ø. Klemetsdal, B. Skaflestad, A. Moncorgé, V. Kippe, "Enhancing Performance of Complex Reservoir Models via Convergence Monitors", ECMOR 2024
A.F. Rasmussen, O. Møyner, B. Skaflestad, K.A. Lie, J. Torben, A. Moncorgé, V. Kippe, "Distributed Field-Scale Parallel Nonlinear Domain Decomposition Solver", ECMOR 2024
BN. Aslam, B. Yan, KA. Lie, S. Krogstad, O. Møyner, X. He, "DiagNet-A Hybrid Physics-Data Driven Model for Fractured Reservoir Simulation", SPE GOTECH, 2024
K-A. Lie, O. Møyner, Ø.A. Klemetsdal, "An Adaptive Newton–ASPEN Solver for Complex Reservoir Models", SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference 2023
O Møyner, A Rasmussen, Ø Klemetsdal, H Nilsen, A Moncorgé, K Lie, "Nonlinear Domain Decomposition Preconditioning for Robust and Efficient Field-Scale Simulation of Subsurface Flow", ECMOR 2022
MAB. Reveron, HH. Holm, O. Møyner, S. Krogstad, KA. Lie "Numerical Comparison Between ES-MDA and Gradient-Based Optimization for History Matching of Reduced Reservoir Models", SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference 2021
Ø. Klemetsdal, O. Møyner, A. Moncorgé, HM. Nilsen, KA. Lie, "High-resolution compositional reservoir simulation with dynamic coarsening and local timestepping for unstructured grids", SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference 2021
J. Franc, O. Møyner, HA. Tchelepi "Coupling-Strength Criteria for Sequential Implicit Formulations", SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference 2021
E. Ahmed, Ø. Klemetsdal, X. Raynaud, O. Møyner, H.M. Nilsen, "Adaptive Time Stepping, Linearization and a Posteriori Error Control for Multiphase Flow with Wells", SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference 2021
O. Møyner. "Dynamic Saturation Reconstruction for Multiphase Flow by Time-Of-Flight Fill Functions". In ECMOR XVII 2020.
Ø. Klemetsdal, A. Moncorgé, O. Møyner, KA. Lie. "Additive Schwarz Preconditioned Exact Newton Method as a Nonlinear Preconditioner for Multiphase Porous Media Flow". In ECMOR XVII 2020.
HM. Nilsen, A. Moncorgé, K. Bao, O. Møyner, KA. Lie, A. Brodtkorb. "Comparison Between Algebraic Multigrid and Multilevel Multiscale Methods for Reservoir Simulation". In ECMOR XVII 2020.
M. Borregales, O. Møyner, S. Krogstad, KA. Lie. "Data-Driven Models Based on Flow Diagnostics ". In ECMOR XVII 2020.
Ø. Klemetsdal, O. Møyner, X. Raynaud, KA. Lie. A Comparison of Consistent Discretizations for Elliptic Problems on Polyhedral Grids". In: International Conference on Finite Volumes for Complex Applications, 585-594. 2020.
Ø. Klemetsdal, O. Møyner and KA. Lie. Implicit High-Resolution Compositional Simulation With Optimal Ordering of Unknowns and Adaptive Spatial Refinement In: Reservoir Simulation Conference, Galveston, Texas, USA, 10-11 April 2019
R. Toft, KA. Lie, and O. Møyner. "Full Approximation Scheme for Reservoir Simulation." In: Norsk Informatikkonferanse (NIK), 18-20 September, 2018.
O. Møyner and A. Moncorgé. "Nonlinear Domain Decomposition Scheme for Sequential Fully Implicit Formulation of Compositional Multiphase Flow". In: ECMOR XVI – 16th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, Barcelona, Spain, September 3-6, 2018.
Ø. Klemetsdal, A. F. Rasmussen, O. Møyner and KA. Lie. "Nonlinear Gauss-Seidel Solvers With Higher Order For Black-Oil Models". In: ECMOR XVI – 16th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, Barcelona, Spain, September 3-6, 2018.
Ø. Klemetsdal, O. Møyner and KA. Lie. "Use Of Dynamically Adapted Basis Functions To Accelerate Multiscale Simulation Of Complex Geomodels". In: ECMOR XVI – 16th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, Barcelona, Spain, September 3-6, 2018.
KA. Lie, O. Møyner and T. S. Mykkeltvedt. "Fully Implicit WENO Schemes On Stratigraphic And Fully Unstructured Grids". In: ECMOR XVI – 16th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, Barcelona, Spain, September 3-6, 2018.
O. Møyner, O. Andersen and H. M. Nilsen. "Multi-Model Hybrid Compositional Simulator with Application to Segregated flow". In: ECMOR XVI – 16th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, Barcelona, Spain, September 3-6, 2018.
Ø. Klemetsdal, O. Møyner, X. Raynaud, and KA. Lie. “Non-linear Newton Solver for a Polymer Two-phase System Using Interface-localized Trust Regions”. In: 19th European Conference on Improved Oil Recovery, Stavanger, Norway, 24-27 April 2017. 2017.
KA. Lie, O. Møyner, and J. R. Natvig. “A Feature-Enriched Multiscale Method for Simulating Complex Geomodels”. In: Reservoir Simulation Conference, Montgomery, Texas, USA, 20-22 February 2017.
Ø. Klemetsdal, R. L. Berge, KA. Lie, H. M. Nilsen, and O. Møyner. “Unstructured Gridding and Consistent Discretizations for Reservoirs With Faults and Complex Wells”. In: Reservoir Simulation Conference, Montgomery, Texas, USA, 20-22 February 2017.
O. Møyner and H.A. Tchelepi. “A Multiscale Restriction-Smoothed Basis Method for Compositional Models”. In: Reservoir Simulation Conference, Montgomery, Texas, USA, 20-22 February 2017.
O. Møyner. “Nonlinear Solver for Three-Phase Transport Problems Based on Approximate Trust Regions”. In: ECMOR XV – 15th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, August 29 - September 1, 2016.
KA. Lie, O. Møyner, J. R. Natvig, A. Kozlova, K. Bratvedt, and S. Watanabe. “Successful Application of Multiscale Methods in a Real Reservoir Simulator Environment”. In: ECMOR XV – 15th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, August 29 - September 1, 2016.
K. Bao, KA. Lie, O. Møyner, and M. Liu. “Fully Implicit Simulation of Polymer Flooding with MRST”. In: ECMOR XV – 15th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, August 29 - September 1, 2016.
O. Møyner and KA. Lie. “A Multiscale Method Based on Restriction-Smoothed Basis Functions Suitable for General Grids in High Contrast Media”. In: SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium held in Houston, Texas, USA, 23–25 February 2015.
KA. Lie, S. Krogstad, and O. Møyner. “Application of flow diagnostics and multiscale methods for reservoir management”. In: Reservoir Simulation Symposium, Houston, Texas, USA, 23-25 February 2015
S. Krogstad, KA. Lie, O. Møyner, H.M. Nilsen, X. Raynaud, and B. Skaflestad. “MRST-AD – an Open-Source Framework for Rapid Prototyping and Evaluation of Reservoir Simulation Problems”. In: SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium, 23–25 February, Houston, Texas. 2015.
KA. Lie, H.M. Nilsen, O. Andersen, and O. Møyner. “A simulation workflow for large-scale CO2 storage in the Norwegian North Sea”. In: ECMOR XIV – 14th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, Catania, Sicily, Italy, 8-11 September 2014. EAGE. 2014. doi: 10.3997/2214-4609.20141877.
O. Møyner. “Construction of Multiscale Preconditioners on Stratigraphic Grids”. In: ECMOR XIV – 14th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, Catania, Sicily, Italy, 8-11 September 2014. EAGE. 2014. doi: 10.3997/2214-4609.20141775.
O. Møyner and KA. Lie. “The multiscale finite volume method on unstructured grids”. In: SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium, The Woodlands, TX, USA, 18–20 February 2013. SPE 163649-MS. 2013. doi: 10.2118/163649-MS.
O. Møyner. "Next Generation Multiscale Methods for Reservoir Simulation". Ph.D. thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). 2016.
O. Møyner. Multiscale Simulation of Flow and Transport in Porous Media. SIAM News, 2019.
Ø. Klemetsdal and O. Møyner. Using physics to speed up reservoir simulation. European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry news page, 2018.